When you are dealing with an organization like the Social Security Administration, it is very easy to become lost in the sheer size of it. The help of an Albuquerque Social Security lawyer will be extremely valuable in helping you navigate through its twists and turns.
The Issues
For the individual operating without legal counsel, working through the SSA bureaucracy can become a morass of red tape, frustration and utter confusion. Even an Albuquerque social security attorney can have difficulty reaching the exact person with whom they must work in order to process a client’s claim.
The Programs
Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are two of the Social Security Administration’s most complex programs, and disseminating information concerning updates or alterations to all concerned personnel requires a massive effort. Due to the size of the organization and the number of people involved, your Albuquerque social security attorney often must deal with the fact that these efforts are not always completely successful.
SSA’s Efforts
Naturally, the SSA attempts to address these problems by putting procedures in place to handle difficult decisions. Your Albuquerque social security attorney can advise you that, due to the complex nature of medical-vocational questions and the fact that state agencies frequently lack the means to resolve these questions, the aforementioned procedures are not as effective as may be desired. Thus, disability determinations made at the state level are often not as effective as they could be, and these deficiencies are not always evident to many SSA personnel.
Following the Rules
Officials at the lower echelons also have a predilection for following the letter of the rules and regulations without allowing for the possibility that exact interpretations of the rules may not be appropriate in every case. This propensity to sacrifice judgment in favor of to-the-letter adherence can be enormously frustrating to both the Albuquerque social security attorney and their client.
Don’t Do This Alone
If you are involved in a Social Security disability case, don’t try to navigate this enormous maze on your own. Call Michelle Baca Attorney at Law, your Albuquerque social security attorney at 505-872-1142 today.