An Albuquerque NM Social Security attorney can explain that there are both medical and non-medical requirements that affect a claimant’s eligibility for Social Security disability benefits. He or she may review the following information with you.
Claimants often want to know how much they must have paid in Social Security taxes before they are eligible for disability benefits. According to regulations, claimants must have paid enough in taxes to be fully insured and paid recently enough to qualify as disability insured status. In essence, the Social Security program works as an insurance program for employees. Instead of paying premiums, you pay Social Security taxes. Doing so allows you to be insured. Your status as insured can lapse if you discontinue making payments toward Social Security taxes while you are still working in a manner similar to insurance lapsing.
Quarters of coverage
Social Security disability attorneys Albuquerque can explain that claimants must achieve a minimum number of quarters of coverage. The minimum amount of quarters changes every year. Claimants can earn up to four quarters of coverage a year. This is based on whether the claimant earned over a certain dollar amount to qualify as a quarter of coverage. Even if all of the money was earned in one season, the claimant may still have four quarters of coverage if earnings were sufficient.
Legal Assistance
If you would like more information on other eligibility criteria, contact Social Security disability attorneys Albuquerque from the Law Office of Michelle Baca and Associates.